Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What to do with all this snow?

Fluff time is here! When is is 26-30 degrees and it snows we get the wet, high moisture heavy snow. But these last few snows have come with cold temps and that gives us a dry, fluffy snow. Now is when I dont mind shoveling. Not so much because it is easier, because I dont mind the heavy work out that comes when shoveling the heavy stuff. But the fluffy snow is snow I can use to bury my plants without breaking their branches. I actually go around and bury all my sensitive plants or give the trees extra insulation over the root systems. Snow is the best insulation there is. Evern after all the super cold weather, under 12" of snow or more there is still no frozen ground, just nice cool, moist soil.

If you need to apply Wiltpruf or "anti-dessicant" material to your sensitive plants, especially senstive evergreens or broadleaf evergreens now is the time to start watching the weather. You will need a temp of 45 degrees or higher for 4-6 hours to successfully apply this product, so keep a lookout. Anytime this can be applied before March 1st it will really protect those senstive needles and foliage. Some plants that benefit from this are Rhododendron, azalea, arborvitae, spruce and pine, yews, boxwood and false cypress especially when these groups are exposed to heavy west winds, lots of south or west sunlight or are in any road salt & spray.


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